Friday, October 18, 2019

An Event in My Life that has One Cause with Three Results Essay

An Event in My Life that has One Cause with Three Results - Essay Example According to the paper, as the author declares "shortly after joining my first grade in school, my parents started to experience challenges in their marriage and after a period of not more than ten months, they filled a divorce case and were separated. This event was quite traumatizing to me and especially because I had never lived separately from my parents and had never imagined having parents who could not communicate effectively or even share a common ground on issues concerning my life. This event affected me psychologically and endured stress for a long time before being able to manage the condition. From this event, three types of stress each with particular consequences can be identified in relation to what happened to me afterwards. To begin with, an acute stress can be drawn from the immediate responses that could be identified in my routine schedule. Acute stress is the most common form of stress that is experienced by majority of people. This type of stress is highly mana geable and does not cause a lot of damage to a person if addressed soon. In the case of troubled parenthood from my parents, I started experiencing pressure to coordinate many issues in my life. Firstly, I began to worry about the fate of my parents’ relationship after I noted that they were quarrelling frequently. In addition, it was a little challenging to have proper concentration in classroom especially in the morning lectures because of bad emotional experiences at home. Although after a short while I could concentrate in classroom work, the morning quarrels by my parents at home made me to be more worried and hence poor concentration at school.The second result of the event can generally be classified as chronic stress. Normally, the person involved gives up in search of a solution and can continuously be worn out by the stress. Ideally, short lived stress is beneficial to humans because it enables their body to respond to issues that require a lot of energy and immedia te response. "

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